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Adopt My Mortgage

How will you Adopt My Mortgage?

At Budget Rates, every day we filter through all the mortgage, real estate, and interest rate-related news to stay up to date on the changes that affect homeowners, lenders, and borrowers.
We keep a watchful eye on the market; this allows our clients to have the most current information at their disposal, and to choose options that align with their plans, their timelines, and their budgets.

Why not use this to your advantage?

Sign up for our ‘Adopt My Mortgage’ service TODAY, even if you didn’t secure your mortgage through us.

What can you expect from this service?

  • An initial phone conversation
  • We get acquainted
  • I explain the service in more detail
  • I answer your questions
  • We discuss your plans and needs
  • We determine if this service is right for you
  • A complimentary review (assessment) of your existing mortgage
  • Provides me with a clearer picture of your current financial profile
  • We discuss short term needs and long-term wants
  • A Strategy Session
  • We discuss strategy: the ‘how’ that will allow you to achieve your goals
  • Planning: the steps to achieve your goals while addressing any weaknesses we uncover (also called ‘areas of opportunity)
  • We discuss the details of your current mortgage and offer custom
  • strategies (ex: pay down your mortgage faster, improve your financial fitness, etc.)
  • We update your mortgage details in our records and regularly scan for better rates and opportunities that may become available for you
  • If you’re only interested in knowing about better rate opportunities, we can also help.
  • Periodic Mortgage Reviews
  • The cadence/frequency of these reviews will vary per client
  • Minimum check-in is once/year (annual), even for clients with many years remaining on their current term
  • We review the plan and make adjustments and/or corrections as necessary

Many homeowners with mortgages are ignorant of the benefits they are eligible for or the items to watch out for while making plans for upcoming real estate transactions.
We’ll let you know when the market conditions shift in your favor and we can cut your rate or reduce your monthly payment. There is NEVER any obligation to follow our advice.
We’ll also keep you informed on important mortgage-related news that every homeowner MUST know!
Owning a home is the biggest purchase most of us will ever make. Regrettably, the majority of homeowners do not establish a strategy to take advantage of future possibilities to save on rates and/or payments.

Your debts and equity are constantly shifting, just like LIFE itself!

Real estate ownership requires active management, in our opinion.
The issue is that most lenders only execute the initial deal. Nothing else.

With our ‘Adopt My Mortgage’ service, we provide you with market-leading mortgage advice. We can cut years off your mortgage and possibly save you thousands of dollars in payments and interest by simply paying closer attention to current rate swings, as well as the countless new products and changes hitting the market on a daily basis.
It can be very beneficial to spend a bit more time on negotiating rates, renewals, and looking at alternate options.

The best part is that this service is FREE OF CHARGE!
Even if you are not one of our current clients, you are still qualified for this service; simply CONTACT us TODAY and let us know you’re interested in having us adopt your mortgage.
Even though your mortgage isn’t yet up for renewal, we can still get things started.

If you currently have a mortgage and a house, you can still sign up for our “Adopt My Mortgage” service RIGHT NOW.

A few things to note:

  • Your mortgage information and records are maintained securely and are NEVER released to third parties. We take our obligation to protect the privacy of your mortgage-related information very seriously.
  • Your monthly mortgage statement contains the majority of the data  need to manage your mortgage. But, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you need assistance locating the information; we’ll be pleased to guide you.
  • Only a few of the many factors that affect mortgage price include credit score, income, debt, and the value of your property. When we see a chance for you to save money, we’ll run a preliminary analysis to make sure there is a real, actionable opportunity. After that, we’ll give you a call to arrange a meeting to discuss your alternatives.
    Remember: You are under NO OBLIGATION to follow our advice.

Our objective is to keep things simple for you and provide you with confidence that you have the best mortgage terms. We will continue to provide our ‘Adopt My Mortgage’ service for the entire life cycle of your loan.

Want to talk?

With refinancing, you could:

What are the disadvantages?

  • Extending the duration of your loan could lead to more interest payments overall.
  • Cashing out a portion of your equity may increase the loan amount on your new mortgage loan, which could result in a larger monthly payment.
  • Closing expenses can be pricey. If you intend to sell your house before you recoup your closing costs, it might be wise to stick with your present mortgage.
  • Market conditions can impact your options; there is no assurance that the new loan will have better terms. This is particularly the case when interest rates go up.
  • Hard inquiries could have a negative effect on your credit score: A hard inquiry for a mortgage loan will appear on your credit report, momentarily lowering your credit score.
  • Impacts credit history length: Your credit score could suffer if your existing mortgage loan is cancelled and replaced with a new one. This credit score factor accounts for 15% of your FICO® Score.
  • Restarting the loan: Your current mortgage will be replaced with a brand-new one. You’re probably extending the number of years you’ll be making mortgage payments, depending on how long your present mortgage has been in place and how long your new mortgage will remain.